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VBS takes kids on a Jungle Journey

The First Southern Baptist Church of Shafter held their Vacation Bible School this week, taking the kids on a Jungle Journey that took them all over the world, in search of the 7 Cs of History. Those Cs include creation, corruption, catastrophe, confusion, Christ, cross and consummation. The 7 Cs of History are intended to be a memorable way of showing that the Bible is a history book, and its events connect with real history. This framework helps to understand fossils, rock layers, people groups and more.

The campers first started their journey in the sanctuary, singing some songs and learning some neat choreography. They then fueled up with a meal of corn dogs, mac n cheese and fruit cups. After getting some fuel, the kids each went to their respective stations. The little ones had a story time in which they were taught a Bible verse and learned a valuable lesson about Creation, and how it aligns with our lives today.

Other groups went to arts and crafts, where they made butterflies to take home to their parents, a souvenir of their trip. Still another group played games, including a modern version of hot potato, using a spray gun to hit the unfortunate person's face to the right of the sprayer.

Each day, the kids would learn a new Bible verse and lesson, as they learned how the Bible is relevant in today's world, and how they can live like God wants us to live, and how to seek him and his Word out in everyday life.

The camp was led by Jaime Kirshenmann on the activities side and Associate Pastor Spencer Carpenter. Carpenter has been at First Southern Baptist for about a year, after serving for years at the Congregational Church in Shafter before taking on the position at First Southern Baptist.

The camp concludes on Friday evening with a special session that will let the parents and friends of the campers see what the campers had learned throughout the week.


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