Serving the community since 1970

An elegant tea party for celebration

The Wasco Woman's Club hosted a Spring Tea on Saturday for guests to enjoy homemade desserts and finger sandwiches with selection of teas.

Club member Pat Ketcherside said, "It's beautiful. We have a lot of ladies here. It's a fun thing to do."

Another member, Petra Rueda, said, "It's a day of celebration of ladies having tea with friends and making new ones as well."

Amor Regis, who is looking to join the club, attended.

"I came today to meet more people in Wasco and see how I can help the city."

She owns the soon-to-open Grocery Outlet and thought it would be an excellent way to network and get to know the community.

Some women wore elegant traditional English hats worn for weddings and special events.

"I loved the hats. The best part was so many ladies showing up. I've seen so many people I've known over the years. It warms my heart," Nancy Cowen said.

Lisa Mcguire came to support the WWC.

"I think it is a nice time to be with the ladies. A lot of my family came. The food was really good, and so was the tea."

Audrina Gibson said, "It was well organized and put together. I made new friends. When I get older, I would like to join."

Ruby Woody was invited by her mother-in-law, a former club president, Cheryl Woody.

"The atmosphere, music, food and company were great."

Piano music was provided by Lynette Stoeppler.

Maria Delgadillo said she was excited. "I have never been to a tea party. It was something different. I enjoyed everything from dressing up to companionship and friendliness. It was a nice gathering."

Organizing committee chair Chris Gibson said the event was "fabulous."

"It turned out better than we expected for our first tea. We are hoping to do it again next year. It was a lot of work, but I had a lot of help. Special thanks to Pat Ketcherside."

Another organizer, Marta Poe, said, "The turnout was pretty well. We set up for 80 people and only had four empty seats."

The money raised from the event will go toward renovating the clubhouse restrooms.

The club has a long history in the community. One hundred years ago, 13 women joined together and formed the WWC. Their purpose was to improve Wasco through service.

"Our mission has not changed," club President Jill Drescher said.

Some of the philanthropic efforts the club carries out include providing youth scholarships, holding a candidate forum for local elections and a Christmas party and prom for special needs high school students.

Education is a key focus the club works to advance.

"Many of our members are former teachers, so we support school choirs, drama clubs and FFA."


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