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2020 DYW Shelbee Ramos bids farewell

On Saturday night, Shelbee Ramos handed her title of Distinguished Young Woman of Shafter to Nicole Morris.

This ended the year's reign of Ramos's service as Shafter's DYW. Usually, the DYW of Shafter is kept very busy with public appearances, city functions, and competing at the state competition.

Ramos competed in the state competition, held in Bakersfield, and won a "Be Your Best Self" award.

The pandemic restricted Ramos' reign as DYW and did not have much opportunity to participate in any city functions, ribbon cuttings, and other events.

Ramos said it was an honor to represent "our wonderful city" and thanked everyone who supported her.

While the judges were deliberating on Saturday night, Ramos gave a farewell speech in which she recounted her year and the experiences that she had being involved in the program.

Here is Ramos's farewell speech in its entirety:

"Participating in a program such as Distinguished Young Women was a life-changing experience. I had the opportunity to represent my city for the class of 2021 and although I didn't have many opportunities to represent my city due to covid, I still very much am thankful.

When I participated in this program with 13 other girls I thought about how wonderful it was going to be making new friends and getting to know girls that I thought were different than me, but in reality we were all similar in our own ways. We had hopes and dreams and goals in life.

Although my year participating in DYW was very different from the previous years, it was still very fun and very humbling, watching other girls my age grow and develop into strong, smart and powerful young women was so invigorating.

"One of the privileges I had gotten was representing Shafter in the California Distinguished Young Women program. Everything was held via Zoom, but throughout the meetings I got to attend I had gotten to speak for my city and even learn new things when it comes to life skills. Something I enjoy very much as being the Distinguished Young Woman of Shafter is being able to attend the practices for this year's program, seeing these young, beautiful, smart and talented girls grow as people and develop in their own unique ways, passing down my title to any of these girls is such an honor. I know that they will do great things in the future for themselves and for the city.

"I would like to give a special thank you to all of the people that have supported me throughout my journey this year. I would like to thank Richland Chevrolet for being amazing sponsors, and my parents and grandparents for being supportive and for inspiring me to be my very best self. I would also like to thank Jessica Moore, Toni Frantz, and Sharon Wiebe for being amazing help to me and the program itself and most of all the city of Shafter for their love and support. I couldn't have done it all without these amazing people and this amazing city. Lastly, my final message to the Distinguished Young Women class of 2022 is to be your very best selves. We haven't spent a lot of time together but watching you girls grow as women is the greatest thing I experience in my final months of being the Distinguished Young Woman of Shafter, I know any one of you would be capable to have this title and any one of you is worthy of this honor.

"I urge each and every one of you to be inspiring in you own way and to be role models for the little girls that look up to you. Keep a smile on your face, keep your head held high and lastly be your very best self."


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