Serving the community since 1970

Community Calendar - Oct. 22, 2020

NEW: The Shafter Depot Museum will be re-opened to the public starting Saturday, Oct. 24, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and every Saturday after. The Depot is located at 150 Central Valley Highway.

NEW: Wasco Library Trunk or Treat. Tuesday, Oct. 27, from 4 to 6 p.m., 1102 7th St. Drive-by, candy, grab and go craft. Candy donated by Rudy Salas and Wasco Library.

NEW: Wasco Library -- Trunk or Treat Tuesday, Oct. 27, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at 1102 7th St., Wasco. Drive-by candy *grab and go." Candy contributed by Assembly Member Rudy Salas and the Friends of the Wasco Library.

NEW: Warm clothing drive. District 4 Supervisor David Couch is sponsoring a warm clothes donation drive, collecting blankets, costs, gloves, hats, scarves and socks. Donations will benefit families in District 4. To schedule an in-person pickup, call (661) 868-3680.

NEW: Wasco Women’s Club: Meeting every second Tuesday of the Month at 1601 7th Street, Wasco. Lunch will be at 12 p.m. and meeting at 1:30 p.m.

NEW: Wasco Recreation & Park Board Meetings are on every 3rd Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. at the Hall at Barker Park in Wasco.

NEW: Shafter: City of Shafter CAPK and the County of Kern FOOD2DOOR program. The program delivers once a month 70lbs of food to seniors 65 and older.

Call 661-498-7831 ext. 1310 to find out if your eligiable for the program and enroll today!

CAPK y el Condado de Kern “Programa FOOD2DOOR” atienden a personas mayors de 65 años . Una caja de comida de 70 libra cada mes se entrega directamente en la puerta. El programa no se basa en los ingresos, está diseñadopara mantener a las personas ensus hogares y mantenerse saludables para que podamos vencer al COVID-19. Llame al 661-498-7831 ext. 1310. Para averiguar si es elegible para el programa e inscríbase hoy mismo.


Fridays: Griffith Avenue Baptist Church Baptist Church “Impact Program,” 408 Griffith Street will be hosting a food distribution for anyone in need in Wasco/Shafter community.

Food will be passed out beginning at 7:00 a.m., but people should show up early because food will be passed out while supplies last.


Every first & third Tuesday of the month: Griffith Avenue Baptist Church Baptist Church, 408 Griffith St., will be giving senior sack program lunches out at 11 a.m. Sponsored by Golden Gleaners.

Wasco: The City of Wasco wishes to remind residents that our official city website is the only authorized avenue to pay your Utility Bill online.

Wasco: COVID-19 testing to anyone free, if you have insurance they will be billed. Located at the Wasco Library, 1102 7th St., Wasco. Appointments made at http// or call 888-634-1123.

Donde? Biblioteca de Wasco 1102 7th St, Wasco. Si no tiene acceso de internet llame al 888-634-1123.

Shafter: Shafter City Hall closed to publicuntil further notice. Oficina-Cerrado Al Publico: Efectivo el Viernes, 24 de Julio-Hasta Nuevo aviso. (Por orden del gobernador)


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