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WUESD to distance learn through December

Wasco Unified Elementary School District Superintendent Kelly Richers said distance learning has been successfully implemented, with the district at 92% attendance.

Richers said some special education and English language learner students have been authorized by the state to attend school in person as needed; however, he said only 14 students are allowed in one cohort, or grouop. Every district in California has been sued, he added, because they are not meeting the requirements of federal special education student Individual Education Plans.

At its meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 8, the WUESD board unanimously agreed to approve the collective bargaining agreements between the district and the Wasco Elementary Teachers Association and the Classified School Employee Association.

Additionally, the district unanimously approved the increase in cost for the unrepresented employees of the district, which includes the superintendent and assistant superintendents.

The 2019/2020 individual person cost for health benefits was $19,042 and the 2020-2021 cost will be $19,610. This calculates to a 3% increase of $568 for the year.

In other business, the board agreed to hire a replacement licensed vocational nurse with Carolina Mejia.

Information was also provided a staff list of who retired from the district since July 2020.


1. Sherry Anderson worked for the district 23 years since August 1997,

2. Lorena Cozad worked for the district 52 years since September 1968,

3. Bonnie McCormick worked for the district 31 years since August 1989,

4. Monica Reed worked for the district 38 years since October 1982,

5. Theodore Wilson worked for the district 45 years since September 1975,

Classified (non-credentialed)

1. Annie Coleman worked for the district as a custodian for 18 years since February 2002,

2. Kay Espitia worked for the district for 38 years as a classified employee and currently in internal business accounting since January 1982,

3. Blanca Martinez worked for the district for 40 years as a classified employee and currently as a teacher. She started in 1980.

4. Gloria Martinez worked for the district as a classified employee and currently an after school activity leader since November 1986, and

5. Pat Siemens worked for the district for 24 years as a classified employee and currently as an after school supervisor starting October 1996.

The board also unanimously approved to reject the bid for a new freezer for Palm Avenue Middle School and to proceed with a new bidding process. “The only submitted bid was two times the amount of what the designers said the freezer should cost,” Richers said.

In addition, the district is remotely broadcasting its board meetings via Zoom.


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