Serving the community since 1970

Couch's Corner - Jan. 2, 2020

Plans for a happy new year

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a great 2019 and am looking forward to 2020. It’s that time of year to look back at what we’ve accomplished, and look forward to things we can do to make things better in all of the communities of our district. Accordingly, here are our resolutions for 2020:

One, I promise you will see me or my staff at as many events as possible. If you went anywhere last year, you probably saw us, trying to meet with constituents and understand your needs and see how we can serve you. Expect the same for this year, and the year after, for that matter.

We don’t just show up at events. We answer phone calls, emails and other constituent inquiries. We listen. Expect to see that customer-service attitude continue this year. We want to hear from you and try to address your concerns.

First and foremost, as your Kern County supervisor, it is my responsibility to make sure the business of Kern County as it relates to you, and as it is performed through departments such as Public Works, Behavioral Health, the Sheriff’s Office and all of the county departments, is performed with the highest quality. Let my office know if you are having any problem with the delivery of services by County departments.

In addition to the “normal” County business, our District 4 office has taken on several “special projects” to improve the quality of your experience with the County. Here are some things you can expect in 2020.

Expect to see another year of our “Movies in the Park” series. These turned out to be well-appreciated ways to get the community together and for us to interact with each of you.

Expect to see the latest public works updates from road construction to pothole repair. We take your input directly to our Public Works folks and monitor their progress on road improvements in your neighborhoods. If you want to know what’s going on in your community, ask to get on our mailing list. This year you will also get updates about Keep Kern Beautiful, a new District 4 initiative that affiliates all Kern County communities with the national Keep America Beautiful program.

Expect to see additional “Know Your Numbers” programs in your neighborhood. Diabetes and obesity are major problems in Kern County and this is just one of our District 4 initiatives to help our residents get to a healthier place.

We’ve been building the concept for a community and cultural amenity in La Colonia in 2109. Let’s take it a step farther and secure the location and the design, maybe even start turning this concept into a reality, in 2020.

Wasco, you are so self-sufficient, but expect us to sponsor your not-for-profits, especially your outstanding SAL program, and we’d still like to see a little coffee shop amenity added to the Kern County Library branch. And let’s work together to minimize the negative effects that come from High Speed Rail construction in your town.

This should be the year many of those Shafter/Valley Air Board AB 617 air pollution projects get started. Last year, we joined the community as they cobbled together nearly $40 million in projects, many of which are already funded, that will truly help the quality of the air in Shafter.

In Buttonwillow, we started working together with your help in 2019 to clean up some illegal dumping. We opened a transfer station as part of that effort. This year we stay on this, making sure those who might illegally dump take their trash take their trash to the dump instead.

In Lost Hills, our “Finish 46” initiative will almost be completed through Kern County. Yeah! Thank you all for your patience on this. Lost Hills should also see some new sidewalks, a new school and a new housing development, thanks to our efforts with the Wonderful Company.

We will make sure county departments continue to do their job in providing service to you. That’s my all-encompassing New Year’s resolution for all of you.

Got questions? Contact us at 661-868-3680 or email us at [email protected]. Happy New Year, District 4!

David Couch is a Kern County supervisor, representing the Shafter and Wasco areas.


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