Toni DeRosa | Wasco Tribune count
Karl Clemens outstanding students for the week of Sept. 20, 2019 are bottom row, L-R Xavier Rodriguez, Jesus Martinez and Alison Hernandez. Middle row from L-R are Alexis Chaidez, Jocelynn Gonzalez and Axel Pelayo. The students are joined by Assistant Principal Jan Hummel and Principal Sam Torres.
Toni DeRosa | Wasco Tribune count
Karl Clemens Super Stars of the week of Sept. 27, 2019. Bottom L-R Juan Lope: Always being on task and ready to learn, Abel Crawford: Outstanding Academics, Work habits and Helping others and Yamileth Orpineda: Having awesome manners. Middle Row L-R Amy Raya: Improving Math Skills and focus in Math and Roman Garcia: Being a wonderful role model. Top Row Principal Mr. Sam Torres.
Toni DeRosa | Wasco Tribune count
Pearla Hernandez is always willing to help out in the classroom and pushing herself to do the best she can. She is willing to help others and is always encouraging them. If Pearla ever misses an assignment she is quick to ask how she can fix the missing assignment and improve her grade. She is a shining example of a SOARing student. –Principal Martin Lonza
Toni DeRosa | Wasco Tribune count
Emma Gomez and Santonio Juarez are both distinguished students inside and outside the classroom. Emma was selected to be student of the month by Mr. Crane and Santonio was selected by Mrs. Perkins. Both students will receive Panther gear and Pizza Factory meal certificates.
Toni DeRosa | Wasco Tribune count
Emma Gomez and Santonio Juarez are both distinguished students inside and outside the classroom. Emma was selected to be student of the month by Mr. Crane and Santonio was selected by Mrs. Perkins. Both students will receive Panther gear and Pizza Factory meal certificates.
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