Serving the community since 1970

Recycling shout out: This is BIG! Big change, big impact, big shout out!

Promotional Feature

As you drive down Shafter Avenue, you might notice some new colors around the cafeteria that hosts Richland Junior High and Redwood Elementary schools

Last month, a new program was started to help divert materials from going to the landfill. In the past, all items went into the trash and were left to rot in the landfill, but now a very large percentage is going to a greater good. The new colors you see on the bins represent recovery in organics and recycling efforts.

There are now two "green" organics containers at the cafeteria. These two bins take all the food waste and food soiled paper products to a compost facility. After processing, the compost is then sent to our local farm lands to enrich the soil and aid in water savings. The three new "blue" bins collect materials such as cardboard (from shipping boxes), tin cans and other items. These items are sent to a material recovery facility, where they are made into something new again. The only trash bin that is left is one "tan" container.

American Refuse would like to recognize the hard work of the cafeteria staff, students and administration in making such a difference in our community. The staff at the cafeteria have been amazing to work with. We applaud their team effort and willingness to try something new. The children have been eager to learn and sort properly. The school administration also has been very instrumental in the success of this program. Vice Principal Johnson and Vice Principal Lopez have been wonderful assets to the program as they shared what we can recycle during lunch periods when the program kicked off.

Statewide, there is a big push with the law (SB 1383) for the reduction of green house gases. Studies from Cal Recycle have shown that when items, such as food waste, are left in the landfill to rot on their own they omit GHG into the atmosphere, causing harm to our environment.

Richland has made a very progressive step in our community and should be recognized as an outstanding example to the rest of the schools in Kern County and the state, showing what can be achieved. American Refuse applauds everyone involved. The leadership and innovations made make a positive impact to all of us.

-American Refuse


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