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Hall Ambulance offers scholarship

Hall Ambulance is encouraging Wasco High students to apply for its annual scholarship. The reason? No Wasco grads have won the grant for the past 11 years, says Mark Corum, director of media services for Hall.

Any seniors interested in a healthcare career are encouraged to apply for the scholarship.

Former Bakersfield mayor and owner of Hall Ambulance Harvey Hall began giving away scholarships in 1999. “Harvey Hall and I wanted to encourage more young people to pursue a career in healthcare,” Corum said.

Corum has worked for Hall Ambulance for 23 years and said that Hall started his own EMT academy so that students could be trained by their own people in the business. “We are getting ready to start our 35th class,” he said. “There is no cost to recruits. After the academy, with no experience, a graduate can get a job.”

In 1999 Hall purchased Schaefer’s Shafter Ambulance, and in 2014, he purchased Kern County Ambulance.

Requirements for the $250 scholarship include a 3.0 grade point average, a completed application (hich can be downloaded from He said that the applicant needs to write a 300-word statement outlining their educational plans, career goals and the need for a scholarship and any special circumstances. He added that the applicant also needs to have two recommendations from instructors and one community recommendation.

The application must be submitted and postmarked no later than April 12. Scholarship recipients will be recognized at their school’s end-of-the-year presentations.

According to Corum, Hall had a fondness for the Wasco area and expressed hopes that a WHS student would apply for and get a scholarship.


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