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City to replace water well

The city will spend nearly three-quarters of a million dollars to replace its water Well #5.

The City Council awarded a contract to Bakersfield Well and Pump to drill the replacement well at the northwest corner of 8th and G streets. The city successfully tested a well at that location.

From the audience, Laurie Mendez asked how long the city advertised for bids, and Acting Director Public Works Jeremy Bowman explained that the city advertises for four weeks. “Often, the little companies are not qualified to place bids,” said Councilmember Gilberto Reyna.

Additionally, the council approved travel expenses for the city manager, mayor and two council members to attend the New Mayors Council Members Academy Conference on Jan. 16-18 in Sacramento.

The council gave new Mayor Alexandro Garcia and Teofilo Cortez, Jr.. mayor pro tem, authorization to sign on the city’s bank accounts.

Sergeant Augustin Moreno thanked the council for their support for the Sheriff’s Activities League. He explained the students have been running several races, and it became apparent they lacked the correct gear for running. He wanted to thank everyone who donated to SAL, which made it possible to purchase the appropriate shoes for the kids. They raised over $1,000 specifically for shoes.


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