Serving the community since 1970

Articles written by Pastor Frank Cabrera

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  • Pastor's Corner: An opportunity for love

    Pastor Frank Cabrera, Truch Church|Jan 27, 2022

    The other day, I was purchasing food at a local store and couldn’t believe the amount of rudeness I received from the attendant. I was having a wonderful day and had greeted her pleasantly, with a smile. I asked myself the question, why is she being so rude to me? Did I say something wrong? Did I somehow intimidate her? Many times, in these scenarios, we respond in the following ways: Respond back, rudely. Ask, “Why are you being so rude?” Ask for another attendant. Ask for a manager. Submit a complaint However, this time, I paused. I reali...

  • Pastor's Corner: Time is a present

    Pastor Frank Cabrera, Truth Church, Shafter|Jun 24, 2021

    Time is a present. As King Solomon wrote in the book of Ecclesiastes, “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die” (Ecclesiastes 3:1-2, KJV). The book of James, states, “Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes” (James 4:14, ESV). Time is the most valuable commodity we possess, yet we do not own time. The time that has passed, we cannot take back and will never come back. We can...

  • Pastor's Corner: Encourage yourself in the Lord

    Pastor Frank Cabrera, Truth Church, Shafter|Apr 29, 2021

    Encourage – To give someone courage, hope or confidence. Discourage – To deprive courage, dishearten, or be disapproving. Life, itself, will discourage us at times. People will discourage us at times. We, ourselves, will discourage ourselves at times. Many years ago, there was a young lawyer who suffered such deep depression that his friends thought it was wise to keep all knives and razors from him. During this time, he wrote, “I am now the most miserable man living. If what I feel were equally distributed to the whole human family, there...

  • Pastor's Corner: Depression

    Pastor Frank Cabrera, Truth Church, Shafter|Mar 18, 2021

    Depression is something we never really want to confront, or discuss. However, at some point in our lives every one of us will experience, at the very least, some symptom(s) of depression. As complex human beings, we are capable of the highest highs, and the lowest lows. Some individuals experience minor depression that lasts only a few days or even a few months, but usually disappears with time. Others suffer long-term, or continual, depression and may even be a symptom of psychiatric or physical illness. Depression is a common word that...

  • Pastor's Corner: More blessed

    Pastor Frank Cabrera, Trusth Church, Shafter|Feb 18, 2021

    In Acts 20:35, Paul says, “I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Many people would rather receive $1,000 than to give away that same amount. In a more practical scenario, many individuals would rather sell old possessions in a yard sale than to simply give them away. What does it mean, “…It is more blessed to give?” An individual can read this scripture and conclude “If I give, I will receive ble...

  • Pastor's Corner: Opportunity

    Pastor Frank Cabrera, Trust Church, Shafter|Dec 31, 2020

    4 was both our worst and best year ever for Truth Church! Let’s not focus on the worst. Let’s review the best. This year, we purchased and moved into our very own building. Shutting down provided us many unique opportunities to reach outside of our walls such as learning how to live stream and have outside services and be a beacon of light to those in darkness and distress. In addition, we were able to partner with the CAPK Youth Center, the food bank, and the blood bank to help our community. Here is the key word: Opportunity! While man...

  • Pastor's Corner: Open the eyes of my heart

    Pastor Frank Cabrera, Truth Church, Shafter|Dec 3, 2020

    Here comes the bride, all dressed and white … Congratulations to Santiago and Kristy! At their wedding, I told them, “You’ve actually made my year!” It really was a very beautiful day. In the midst of hate and chaos, their wedding demonstrated a beautiful love and sense of order that I believe God was well pleased. While things may crumble all around us, the love of God still builds and rises in the midst. Many people will remember all of the negativity and ugliness of 2020. However, Santiago and Kristy will remember the beauty of this year fo...

  • Pastor's Corner: Let's build a house

    Pastor Frank Cabrera, Truth Church, Shafter|Oct 8, 2020

    The establishment of a home varies from one family to the next. For example, a family rents a house and their home is filled with hate, family problems, financial stress, and absolutely no concern for healthy living. Another family later rents that very same house and their home is quite the opposite. This house is filled with a loving family, financial strength, and a well-balanced home concerned about good nutrition and physical wellness. Most people desire a home like the second family. A safe home. A refuge. A peaceful and healthy home....

  • Pastor's Corner: Faith conquers fear

    Pastor Frank Cabrera, Truth Church, Shafter|Jul 16, 2020

    Fear: "An unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain or a threat" (The Oxford Dictionary) Faith: "Confidence or trust in a person or thing." (dictionary .com) Mind: "The element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel" (The Oxford Dictionary). In the Bible, fear created a giant in the minds of armies able to destroy that giant, while faith empowered the mind of a single young man named David to conquer the same giant. Fear is...